I’ve noticed a trend in recent years where many individuals from Generation X, Y, and Millennials are walking away from the church. This is especially noticeable in cities, where modern attitudes and lifestyles are more common. In this blog post, I’ll share some reasons why many say this may be happening.


Lack of relevance to modern life

One of the main reasons that younger generations are walking away from the church is that they don’t see it as relevant to their modern lives. Traditional church teachings and practices may seem outdated or out of touch with contemporary attitudes and lifestyles. As society has evolved, so have people’s beliefs and values, and many feel the church has not kept up.

Hypocrisy and scandals

Recent revelations of scandals and instances of hypocrisy have eroded trust in the church and turned many people away. This has eroded trust in religious institutions and turned many people away. Recent revelations of sexual abuse within the church have only served to further damage its reputation.

Lack of diversity and inclusivity

Lots of young people are drawn to diversity and inclusivity. The church has often been called out for its lack of variety and for shutting people out. This has made it unappealing to those who value these ideals.

Conflicts with Science and Reason

In an age where science and reason are highly valued, conflicts between religious teachings and scientific evidence can be difficult for many people to reconcile. For instance, younger people may struggle to accept teachings that contradict evolution or the age of the earth.

Alternative forms of spirituality

Finally, the rise of alternative forms of spirituality has drawn many younger people away from the church. Practices like meditation, yoga, and mindfulness have become increasingly popular and offer a different spiritual experience that may be more appealing to some.

In conclusion

All of what I have researched and documented above are merely examples of extremely poor progressive excuses. The real reason youth have fallen away and have no interest in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is because of the lack of humility and power! This generation longs for something real. They are ready to look for anything that resembles realness by any means necessary, even if it’s broken, dangerous, or reckless. Their primary concern lies in what resonates with their emotions and feelings. They prioritize engaging with ideas that are relevant, radical, and closely aligned with their longing to experience vitality and love. The moment the church recognizes its ability to communicate to a generation that has no phobias, no racial barriers, and no cultural divisions among them that will be the day a fresh revelation will direct the body to effectively impact this hurting generation! It is unfortunate that the body is suffering. It is divided racially and culturally and has plenty of phobias that keep it from making the strides it needs to make corporately.

Moreover, the absence of humility is a notable void! When humility takes center stage, even the most resilient, bewildered, and shattered individuals can detect its presence and experience its love. This genuine humility becomes an irresistible force that draws them closer to the church, rather than pushing them away or driving them to create their own belief systems solely for the sake of acceptance. They build out of rejection and create a space where true healing can never mend what’s broken on the inside. The younger generation has disengaged as the church has lost its vitality and ability to set an example in society.

It is essential for the church to maintain relevance in the world while remaining steadfast in its values. Without a presence in significant spheres of influence, young people struggle to identify with The Church that seems disconnected from the crucial aspects of their life! The most effective way to win this generation is with authenticity!! The ability to demonstrate the gospel in three key areas! WORD POWER AND LIFESTYLE PERIOD.